Sick4Trees Tenets

The mission is to help heal the world! But to heal the world we must first heal ourselves. Sick4Trees is a reminder that we are always under the stress of the modern world. The convenience of foods and technology quickly take us off course of our purpose in life. They are there to distract us. Therefore, it’s important that we have tools available to combat them and to help us stay conscious in the present moments. Most of the tools we can use to be healthier in life are free and readily available to us thanks to Mother Nature. The tools referred to here are what will be known as the tenets of Sick4Trees.


My view on modern times is that society has been sucked in to the industrialized world and subdued by technology. It is unnatural for humans to be cooped up inside for extensive hours in artificial light and glued to a screen. Our bodies are still designed to live a hunter gatherer’s lifestyle. We need what nature supplies so that we can be happy and healthy. Fresh organic foods, clean water, adequate sunlight, and challenges. The point of life is to remain in a healthy state where we don’t require heavy medicines when we get sick. Our ancestors relied only on natural remedies derived from herbs and plants, as well as sound frequencies. In the modern world we are exposed to all kinds of variants that can drop our vibration which leads people to develop illnesses. By remembering we are Sick4Trees we can remain in an elevated conscious state and stay on top of distractions and conquer them.

  1. Gratitude (earth) - Being grateful for this one life and carrying on good habits into the future (grounding, submerged in nature).
  2. (Water) - Quality water to stay properly hydrated.
  3. Exercise - To get your heart pumping and raise your vibration and frequency.
  4. Morning sunlight (fire) - For Vitamin D & To regulate circadian rhythm and promote good sleep, also activates pineal gland.
  5. Fresh (Air) - Proper breathing techniques to oxygenate your body.
  6. Whole foods - Eating only what the natural world has to offer, avoiding highly processed foods and overeating.
  7. Sound - Music, For healing the soul, vibrations also offer physical healing properties
  8. Socializing - Being part of a community that uplifts you is crucial for good mental health.
  9. Purpose - What/Who are you creating/becoming to gift to the world - passion.
  10. You’re fun” - A pleasurable pastime you do when you just want to not think about anything for a while.


These are the primordial elements our ancient ancestors thrived on before technology. Staying connected to the Earth and being One with Nature.

We are just a fractal that’s part of a collective connected to the universe.

“As above, so below.”